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Spiritual Wandering

Are you ready to take the next steps on your spiritual journey? Are you going through a season of discernment or deconstruction? Do you want help developing spiritual practices that feed your soul? You could benefit from someone trained in holding sacred space and listening for the fingerprints of God in your narrative. Spiritual Wandering is a Spiritual Direction and Narrative Enneagram practice that aims to help you deepen your understanding of yourself and draw closer to the divine.

“Spiritual direction aims to help us experience the eternal and the infinite aspects of our true nature through the wise, experienced and compassionate company of another human being.”
– Spiritual Directors International

Spiritual Direction

Spiritual Direction is an ancient practice of sacred conversation between a spiritual seeker looking to deepen their spiritual practice and a trained spiritual guide. It is a listening practice where you and the director listen together for the fingerprints of God in the narrative of your life. You come to the session with a topic that you would like to explore and the director listens deeply, searching for the presence of the Spirit. The director assists in uncovering and discovering the prompts of God in the ordinary and extraordinary moments of life. The director asks questions to guide you towards the movements of God so that your spiritual story unfolds before you. Sessions are a safe place to explore the depth of emotional experience, the wisdom of faith, and contemplative practices. We offer individual sessions for spiritual direction as well as supervision for spiritual directors.

Narrative Enneagram

The Enneagram is a system for understanding the human condition, explaining nine masks, or archetypes, that we put on to navigate life. Over time one of these types becomes habitual, shaping our primary way of being in the world. While initially helpful, it can become rigid and hinder spiritual & personal growth. Each type describes motivations, virtues, vices, and ideals that drive our behaviors. Learning the Enneagram provides deep insights into why we perceive and engage with the world as we do. A Narrative Enneagram Practitioner helps you recognize your type pattern, work with it, and eventually loosen its hold. This work also enhances understanding of the other eight types, improving relationships both at home and at work. We offer Typing Interviews to discover your type, as well as ongoing Enneagram Sessions for continued growth.

About Chris

Chris Edwards is a Spiritual Director, Supervisor, Narrative Enneagram Practitioner, and a Priest in the Celtic Christian Tradition. Formed in the Celtic Christian Church, he completed a two-year Internship in Spiritual Direction with the Benedictines and is currently pursuing his ThD. He studied for two years with the core faculty of the Narrative Enneagram to become a certified Narrative Enneagram Practitioner. With over 20 years of experience in leading faith communities and guiding spiritual formation, he is dedicated to helping people discover the joy of contemplative practice and the overwhelming, never-ending, reckless love of God.

Chris specializes in working with ministry professionals and individuals going through faith transitions, such as those deconstructing, questioning their faith, or establishing new practices. He enjoys companioning people through their most challenging valleys of faith, when it feels like everything is crumbling around them because he knows that there is light, life, and hope on the other side of that valley.

Chris teaches at Fall Creek Abbey‘s Spiritual Direction Formation Program and is on staff at Christian Theological Seminary. He occasionally accepts invitations to speak or lead workshops. Learn about recent speaking engagements here.

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