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Imagine that in the time it takes to take just a single breath, you could find that centered part of yourself—a place that feels grounded and notices the abundance already surrounding you.

Do you ever feel like you’re rushing through life, missing the meaningful moments? What if slowing down just a little could help you experience more connection, joy, and clarity? If so, this is for you.

A Lesson in Presence

When I used to be involved in wilderness therapy, I attended a conference where a speaker taught us about how our bodies, hearts, and minds are regulated. He explained how we could apply this knowledge when working with the kids we supported.

At one point during the session, he asked me to come up in front of the group. He hooked me up to all these sensors and asked me to think of a child with whom I struggled—a name came to mind, someone who used to push my buttons. As I thought of this person, my stress levels skyrocketed, displayed prominently on the large screen for everyone to see.

He explained that bringing past memories, particularly stressful ones, into the present moment activates our emotional responses. Our bodies respond as if we are living those moments all over again, affecting our mood, thoughts, and even our physical health.

This exercise taught me something profound: we often bring our past pain into the present, preventing us from fully experiencing the now.

Slowing Down with Breath

The speaker then led us through a simple exercise. He had us place our hands on our chests and focus on the feeling. After taking a deep breath in and a slow breath out, he explained that slowing our breath not only calms our body but also sends signals to the brain through the heart.

Yes, your heart has neurons that communicate back to your brain. When your lungs slow down your heartbeat, your heart sends a reassuring message to your brain: “We’re okay. We’re safe. We’re healthy.” This slows the brain, allowing us to stay present instead of re-living the past.

After this exercise, he encouraged us to take another deep breath while thinking of a positive memory—a moment of connection and love.

The Power of Positive Memory

We took three deep breaths while holding that positive memory in our minds. Each breath slowed our nervous system, creating a calm and grounded presence. The same way that negative memories disrupt our present moment, positive memories bring us back to now.

This simple practice is a powerful reminder: when we bring joy, love, and connection into the present, we allow ourselves to experience life fully—not bogged down by the past.

Your Challenge: A Breath of Presence

So, here’s a simple challenge for you today:
Take a deep breath. Notice the feeling of connection and joy that comes with it. And, as you do, be present. Notice what you might have missed when you were caught up in past worries or struggles. Take that moment for yourself. Breathe deeply, live fully, and notice what is.

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